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Manufacturing Gantries

Consider 6 Factors Before Selecting Crane Service Provider for Materials Handling Facilities

Consider 6 Factors Before Selecting Crane Service Provider for Materials Handling Facilities

When operating a manufacturing or materials handling facility, two of any company’s primary concerns are saving money and saving space. To comply with strict regulations and remain in business, overhead lifting systems require:

• proper crane service
• Regular quality inspections
• Routine maintenance checks

In order to ensure that you meet these standards, you have to minimize downtime and optimize production. Therefore, when selecting a crane service provider, there are 6 factors that must be taken into consideration including:

1) Crane Rebuilding Capabilities – When you’re assembling a crane servicing team, look for professionals who can provide an extensive line of services. Naturally, you’ll want a team that addresses all of the headaches involved, no matter how minor or serious they are. However, it’s equally important that they can handle complex projects including rebuilding a crane when necessary.

2) Dealing with Short Notice on Supplying Parts – Crane service technicians work on a broad range of crane and hoist makes, models, and sizes. Therefore, it’s important to hire a crane service provider that has access to a large inventory of components and can deliver them on short notice.

3) Highly Knowledgeable, Versatile Technicians– Experience and expertise are 2 key qualities to look for when hiring a crane service provider. They should have extensive expertise of a variety of cranes that are currently being used across various industries. Plus, they should have a full understanding of the equipment you are using.

4) Load Testing – Regularly scheduled test loads must be conducted in order to meet OSHA’s safety standards (maximum test load – 125% of a crane’s rated load). Plus, crane owners must prove their compliance and ensure that working loads are safe.

5) Monthly and Annual Inspections – It’s important to choose a crane service provider who is familiar with OSHA (1910.179 (j) inspection (ii) (b)) and (1910.179(j) inspection (ii) (R)) based on equipment duty cycles.

6) OSHA Standards – These strict compliance standards must be prioritized whenever overhead lifting systems are being installed or repaired. Gantry cranes must follow the guidelines listed under OSHA 1910.179.

Like any other piece of equipment being used in a facility or on a job site, preventative maintenance is crucial to the lifespan and operation of overhead lifting systems. In the simplest of terms, that system will only be as good as the service provider that ensures their proper operation. Maintaining OSHA standards is the best way to maximize their life expectancy. Additionally, ensure that the company you work with is licensed and insured. Look at all aspects and models of the gantry that you have shortlisted and if it is the right match only then invest in it.

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