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Manufacturing Gantries

Aluminum Cranes Offers Lightweight Overhead Solutions for All Your Materials Lifting Needs

The key feature of aluminum cranes is how strong they are in relation to their lightweight construction.  Not only can a manufacturer ship them easier, they’re portable and can be moved from one job site to another just as easily.  You’ll find different quality levels throughout the industry. So it pays to do some research before deciding on the one that best addresses your specific materials lifting and handling needs. As different industrial requirements vary, it is important to consider your business needs and budget before investing in a gantry. With a variety of designs and material available, consider key factors before shortlisting the right gantry.


Most aluminum cranes feature a T-slot design which makes them considerably easier to integrate them into a broad range of end effectors and lifters while at the same time providing a nearly unlimited supply of design configurations.  Those models that feature precise tolerations integrated with smooth-running trolleys provide the greatest value for investment. Additionally, they enable manual operation whereas systems that aren’t as advanced would need expensive motorization.


Choosing the right aluminum crane for your job project can be very challenging if not somewhat frustrating.  For instance, a simple Google search for “aluminum cranes” or “aluminum cranes and gantries” will yield an overwhelming number of results.  There are numerous factors to consider, depending on the particular type of crane you are searching for.  For instance, are you searching for a gantry crane, jib crane, or overhead crane? Here’s a quick breakdown of the factors involved:


Gantry cranes – the factors you need to consider when selecting a gantry crane for your specific needs include:



  • capacity and durability
  • ergonomics (ease of use)
  • operational efficiency
  • powered or unpowered



Gantry cranes are a materials lifting and handling solution for outdoor construction sites and other similar projects.


Jib cranes – when choosing a jib crane, you should consider factors such as:



  • area of rotation
  • installation
  • overall crane height
  • power requirements
  • underboom height
  • working span required



With their 180° to 360° rotation capabilities, jib cranes are ideal for construction sites and as an individual fabrication or welding workstation.


Overhead cranes – because they’re oftentimes customizable, overhead cranes can be tailored to the specific needs of your job or project site.  You’ll need to answer these questions before making your decision:



  • Do you need a building-attached runway or one that’s freestanding?
  • How often will the crane be in use?
  • What size span do you need?
  • What weight lifting capacity do you need?



Overhead cranes are customizable and can be designed to cover your requirements, even if it’s an entire manufacturing work-space.  Plus they’re widely used for loading and unloading trucks.

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