OUR MODEL NUMBERS: 1P68R 1P69R 1P88R 1P89R 1P810R 1P108R 1P109R 1P1010R 1P128R 1P129R 1P1210R 1P158R 1P159R 1P1510R 2P68R 2P69R 2P88R 2P89R 2P810R 2P108R 2P109R 2P1010R 2P128R 2P129R 2P1210R 2P158R 2P159R 2P1510R 2P188R * 2P189R * 2P1810R * 2P208R * 2P209R * 2P2010R * 3P810R 3P812R 3P1010R 3P1012R 3P1210R 3P1212R 3P1510R 3P1512R 3P1810R ** 3P1812R ** 3P2010R ** 3P2012R ** 4P810R 4P812R 4P1010R 4P1012R 4P1210R 4P1212R 4P1510R 4P1512R 4P1810R ** 4P1812R ** 4P2010R ** 4P2012R **
Originally designed by our sister company Hospital Rigging Supply, Inc. back in 1999, our all-terrain portable gantry cranes were a huge hit in the U.K. It took several years before other U.K., as well as U.S., companies started copying our designs (with slight variations). None of the other companies to date provide the important extras like levels, cranks down jacks or lifting handles like EC&MW models. Their idea was to try to break into the large UK market. Teleshore UK Limited saw the potential of our unique aluminum gantry crane for cemetery repair. To date Teleshore UK Limited is still the leader in cemetery repair, additionally providing instructional classes as well. They have in-excess of over 250 of our all-terrain gantry cranes in use throughout the England, Ireland and Scotland. They are working towards fulfilling the needs of the Canadian market as well.
EC&MW, Inc. now builds these portable gantry cranes to the exact original design. As a matter of fact, we have even added a few new custom ideas to the original design. These portable gantry cranes are constructed of 6061 T6 structural aluminum and have adjustable metal support legs and pads for easy leveling on most terrains, making our design much more versatile than tripod gantries. It was specifically designed with 8.5″ diameter pneumatic tires for easy maneuvering over uneven surfaces. Its structural aluminum construction makes it lightweight, yet very strong and extremely versatile for outdoor use.
Customization is not an issue. As we pride ourselves on our custom portable gantry cranes, we have designed and manufactured several all-terrain hybrid models to meet the unique needs our customers. From rolling gantry while loaded to adjustable height leveling foot pads. Contact us at [email protected] of call 775-778-9112 so our team can work with you to fulfill your unique lifting requirements.
Uses: Cemetery headstone repair. Why: Able to work in pretty much any environment. Lightweight for easy assembly. 8 1/2″ air casters makes maneuverability a breeze, so as not to upset other nearby grave sites. Breaks down into small pieces quickly for great portability.
Uses: Agriculture: Farm implement repair. Why: The aluminum structure makes it lightweight and ideal for repairing farm or construction equipment on site. With the air casters, it can easily roll (without a load) to straddle the equipment needing repair and then easily leveled for use. This means it can pretty much work on any terrain or normal incline.